Праваабарончы цэнтр «Вясна»беларускі хельсінкскі камітэт

Mahiliou observer appeals obstacles by election officials

  • Valery Berazienka
    Valery Berazienka

Valery Berazienka, observer representing the Fair World party, has lodged a complaint with Mahiliou election commission No. 45, appealing extremely poor conditions for observers’ activities at polling stations.

In particular, Valery Berazienka says that the places occupied by the observers at polling station No. 45 are situated too far from the ballot boxes, which prevents them from seeing how many ballot papers are being cast by the voters.

Apart from that, the observer stresses that his working conditions are below minimum standards, as he has not been provided with a table and has to take notes on his lap.

 “Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections”


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