Electby Started Countdown
The interactive platform of monitoring elections has resumed its work before the parliamentary elections in Belarus, scheduled for September 2012.
It is an open platform where anybody can share their experience and observations of the election campaign.
The main task of the platform is to collect reports about the electoral campaign from citizens and to visualize it on the map of Belarus. Each report appears as a dot and is systematized according to categories. The languages are Belarusian and Russian; the language of the original is preserved. The more people will leave their messages, the fuller the picture of the electoral campaign will be.
It is easier to use the platform now. One can share a message with friends via social networks. The electronic calendar with countdown will help to orientate in the main steps of the campaign. If you want to share a message, you can fill in an online form, or send it to the e-mail electbyorg@gmail.com, or via Twitter (#electby) or an SMS.
Elect.by is powered by the platform Ushahidi (which means “evidence” in Swahili). It was created by a group of enthusiasts in 2010, before the presidential elections. From 13 to 19 December 2010 the platform collected 615 messages from the whole country. Within a week it was visited by 17,500 people who read more than 70,000 pages. On the elections day there were 8,000 visitors and more than 19,000 pages viewed.
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