Праваабарончы цэнтр «Вясна»беларускі хельсінкскі камітэт

Siarhei Skrabets withdraws from election because of KGB threats

The politician received threats he would go to jail again and his and his relatives' property would be seized.

Siarhei Skrabets says he leaves the election race. “The head of my team was not allowed to go on holiday at work. He was in fact put under house arrest. Members of my initiative group received threats to be dismissed or expelled from universities. As a result, only 3 people from 15 were not scared and agreed to collect signatures. They worked with every person involved. My relatives and me also received threats from the KGB. I'd like to tell them via Belorusski Partizan that I heard their threats, but I am still not afraid of them. I fear for my people, who live and work in Lida. I did not register my initiative group in Minsk due to threats. I though I wouldn't have problems in Lida – it is far from Minsk. But it is appeared to be even worse,” Siarhei Skrabets said.

“They threatened to shut my mouth. I can say what I went though in the last few years. They seized my property and the property of my parents and relatives. Nine people were imprisoned on false accusations. I cannot find a job for the last eight years. They threatened if I did not shut up I could face such problems again, including imprisonment,” the politician noted.


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