Праваабарончы цэнтр «Вясна»беларускі хельсінкскі камітэт

Bialynichy: only well-known people included in PECs

On 7 August 20 precinct commissions for the election to the Chamber of Representatives of the National Assembly of the 5th Convocation were established in the Bialynichy district. The appropriate ruling of the Bialynichy District Executive Committee (#17-1) was published in the district state-owned newspaper “Zara nad Druttsiu”.

The number of members in the PECs varies from 6 to 17. All in all, 236 people became members of the commissions. The overwhelming majority of them worked at election commissions during previous elections. The majority of them were nominated by labor collectives or by collection of electors' signatures. Political parties and democratic NGOs didn't nominate any representatives to PECs in the Bialynichy district. Among the members of the PECs there are representatives of pro-governmental trade-unions and NGOs, such as the veteran's organization, “Belaya Rus” and the Belarusian National Youth Union.

Most of the people who were included in the commissions also work in various state institutions: educational, cultural, medical, etc.

“Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections”


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