Праваабарончы цэнтр «Вясна»беларускі хельсінкскі камітэт

Former candidate tries to appeal election results at Supreme Court

  • Ihar Sluchak
    Ihar Sluchak

Ihar Sluchak, a former candidate for the Parliament at the Homel-Savetskaya constituency #34, filed an appeal against the results of the election at this constituency to the Supreme Court. He asks the court to abolish the ruling of the Central Election Commission of 5 October according to which he was denied in holding a repeated counting of votes. He also asks the court to appoint the repeated vote counting at the constituency.

According to Sluchak's information, a parallel calculation of voters was lead by independent observers and his electioneering agents at 27 polling stations of the constituency. The constituency election commission overestimated the turnout twice in comparison to the real number. In particular, according to the observers 37.44% electors voted at the polling station #3, whereas the commission wrote 68.93% in the final protocol, 24.7% voted at the polling station #4 whereas the official turnout is 69.38%.

“On the basis of this information and appeals of 18 observers I addressed the Central Election Commission with a requirement of a repeated calculation of votes. The CEC refused to grant my appeal. I consider this ruling unfair on the basis of the aforementioned facts,” stated the former candidate in his appeal to the Supreme Court.

“Though the Electoral Code doesn't provide the right of a candidate to appeal against the results of elections at court, I filed this appeal as the norms of the Constitution are superior to that of other legislation. That's why if the Supreme Court has a good will, it will consider my appeal and appoint the repeated calculation of votes in the constituency where I have been running. The facts which were registered by the observers witness that some violations of the law were committed. A negative reply will mean a denial of justice. Moreover, there are many blank spots in the electoral legislation which don't allow for making the polling transparent, and this issue needs to be solved too,” commented Ihar Sluchak.


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