Праваабарончы цэнтр «Вясна»беларускі хельсінкскі камітэт

Mahiliou: inspection failed to prove overstated voter turnout

Mahiliou Kastrychnitski district police department has denied prosecution of election officials as requested by local observer Natallia Samakhvalava, who argued that the election commission No. 22 (constituency No. 86) considerably overstated voter turnout in the constituency.

The reply signed by police chief Klimau says that the allegations reported by the observer failed to proven as a result of an inspection. According to chairman of the commission Mr. Zdanko, the vote count results were accurate, since the process was supervised by a policeman.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Samakhvalava, member of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee, says that her estimates of early voters are 402 persons, with 506 votes cast on the election day. The official figures were quite different: 930 early voters and 1,333 votes on the election day.


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