Праваабарончы цэнтр «Вясна»беларускі хельсінкскі камітэт


Weekly Report of Observation Results # 7

Weekly Report of Observation Results # 7

September 3-9, 2012

General Conclusions - The campaigning is low-profile: candidate debates take place in few districts only, information boards in many districts remain empty; there is no mass distribution of printed campaign materials. - The Central Election Commission ruled to prohibit participation of candidates’ agents in debates in case the agents ran for mandate in other districts. The ruling is contrary to Article 46 of the Election Code, which allows participation of candidates’ agents in debates without any limitations. - TV-presentations of the opposition candidates and their platforms continue to undergo censorship in the state press. Observers register facts of usage of the administrative resource in favor of the pro-governmental candidates. - Election campaigning takes place in the climate of pressure on democratic candidates and civic activists from the state bodies. - The Supreme Court heard the complaints about denial of registration to candidates. One of 17 complaints was satisfied.