The Smarhon-based “Svetly Shliakh” local government-owned newspaper has finally published the executive committee’s official decision on authorized election campaigning locations, says human rights defender Ales Dzerhachou. Meanwhile, the executive committee’s official web-site has not yet started to cover the forthcoming elections.
Leanid Markhotka, Salihorsk representative of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee, has urged local district executive officials to clarify the restrictions on holding election campaigning events recently issued by the executive committee.
Maladechna human rights defender Eduard Balanchuk, who is officially registered as observer at local constituency No. 72, says he has been denied access to information on an unidentified candidate who reportedly submitted his application to register an initiative group.
The biographies of the members of the election commissions who were nominated to them “by groups of citizens” witness that most of them belong to pro-regime civil organizations, executive committees or other state institutions. During the previous election they were nominated to the commissions as representatives of organizations, whereas this time they represent “citizens”.
Valery Karankevich, a coordinator of the “Speak the Truth” civil campaign and a prospective candidate for the House of Representatives, says members of his electoral team face pressurization from the side of the law machinery and the local authorities.