Праваабарончы цэнтр «Вясна»беларускі хельсінкскі камітэт


Election to the Chamber of Representatives of the National Assembly of Belarus of the Fifth Convocation: Final Report

Election to the Chamber of Representatives of the National Assembly of Belarus of the Fifth Convocation: Final Report

The “Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections” campaign comes to conclusion that the election process was marked by serious violations of the principles of democratic and fair elections, as described in the OSCE standards and the Belarusian legislation. The election took place in the atmosphere of political persecution and repression of the opponents of the government; this political environment, as well as the limitations at the stages of creation of election commissions and campaigning had a negative effect on the freedom to make an informed choice. Non-transparency of vote count procedure makes it impossible to state that the election results reflect the will of the Belarusian people.